Wednesday, May 13, 2020

25 Important Pinterest Tips for Your Career -

Dont abandon your account:As with all social media accounts, its important to keep going. Once youve set up your initial account and collection of pins, dont stop there! Keep pinning great resources, photos, and ideas so that youre sharing a continual stream of personal branding.Build relationships:Use Pinterest to build relationships within your network, and branch out beyond who you know. Find others with similar interests and take part in Pinterest communities.Highlight your accomplishments:Go beyond your typical resume or portfolio by providing social proof. Show photos of yourself receiving awards, delivering a presentation, or participating in an important project.Remember your manners:Pinterest is all about sharing great content, and content tends to have an original creator or owner. Be sure to give credit where credit is due, highlighting the source of your original pin.Get a Pinteresting job:There are several careers that are perfectly suited for people who love using Pinte rest. Photographers, wedding designers, social media managers, and more use and frequently benefit from the site.Show what youre interested in:Create boards that showcase your professional interests. Doing so will indicate to employers that youre not only engaged in your interests, but well informed, too.Follow trends:Stay on top of articles, infographics, and cool new ideas in your area of interest. This can not only help you develop your career, but also find great new ways to impress prospective employers.Stay current:Remember that each board will put your most recent pins on top, so the last thing you upload is going to be noticed first. Upload strategically, keeping your most important pins current.Use creative board names and descriptions:Board names and descriptions represent a great opportunity for not just branding, but effective SEO. Highlight the keywords you really want to be found for by remembering to make them a part of your names and descriptions.Remember to stay pro fessional:We all think of Facebook and Twitter as places where prospective employees get busted for inappropriate comments or racy photos, but Pinterest is fair game, too. Be careful about what you choose to share on Pinterest.Support your favorite charity:Show others what is important to you by highlighting your favorite non-profit or charity, as well as their important causes.Get inspired:Whether youre finding career resources or getting connected, Pinterest is a great place to find inspiration. Get motivation, great ideas, and resources for feeling good on the site.Create pinnable content:If you really want to spread your brand with the help of Pinterest, create eye-catching, highly useful content that users cant help but pin.

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