Monday, March 16, 2020
When Is It Time to Hire an HR Person
When Is It Time to Hire an HR PersonCredit Pressmaster/Shutterstock Managing employees and navigating the labyrinthian regulations that comewith the task is time-consuming and difficult. Hiring new employees, managing payroll, fielding complaints and ensuring legal compliance are all essential menschlich resources roles, and balancing each of those tasks is a challenge. Whats a geschftlicher umgangowner to do when they are already focusing on growing the geschftlicher umgang and running day-to-day operations?For young or very small businesses, theres always the option to do it yourself or outsource human resources to a third-partey company. At what point, though, does it become necessary to hire a full-time, in-house staff member for human resources?The importance of human resourcesThe typical tasks a human resources specialist takes on include managing the recruitment and hiring processes, training personnel, staying up to date on labor law compliance, a nd ensuring the workplace is running efficiently. HRspecialists also generally deal with employee pay and benefits packages, as well as working conditions. Of course, they also deal with employee complaints or disciplinarysituations.The central theme that connects each of these tasks is that the HR specialist is essentially a link between the employer and the employee, as well as the bertrgerstoff who prevents or resolves workplace issues.Editors note Not ready for a dedicated HR team? Perhaps you want a professional employer organization (PEO) to help. PEOs provide HR, benefits and payroll services to small businesses. Check out our best picks and use the questionnaire below to have PEO vendors contact you with information you need.Its really hard as a business owner to put ourselves in the employees shoes,said Steve Kurniawan, a content specialist and growth strategist with Nine Peaks Media.We mainly think from the perspective of how to grow the business increasing revenue and wi nning markets while the employees think about their promotions, their personal struggles. HR managers, on the other hand, will think as an employee and can better relate to the employeesrequests and needs.Its clear what benefits anHR manager offers a small business, but at what point in a businesss life cycle could an entrepreneur justify the added costto bring on an HR manager?Knowing the right time to hire a human resources managerTheres no clear-cut answer as to when a business should hire an HR manager. The window can shift depending on a businesss industry, growth rate, strategic planning and workload. However, a few indicators can help a business owner decide when the time might be right to bring a dedicated HR specialist on board.When business roles start to become specializedOne school of thought suggests the general organization of your business is an indicator as to when you need a dedicated HR manager. As businesses grow, their staff often shifts from general employees f ocused on any necessary tasks into more specialized roles and, eventually, narrowly focused departments. At that point, it makes sense to develop an HR department as well.When a business is small, it is normal for everyone to be in all hands on deckmode all the time,said Jordan Brannon, president andCOOof Coalition Technologies. However, with any successful business, there is a point to be reached when youre no longer so tight on cash and manpower that you cannot afford for your employees to specialize in their departments. At that point, it is time to hire a human resources person.When the business grows to a certain number of employeesBusiness owners could also judge their need for an HR manager bythe number of employees they have, whether that be 50 full-time workers or 100. However, specialization remains the real differentiator, according to Doug Coffey, HR expert and teaching instructor attheRutgers School of Management and Labor Relations.Having an HR manager will probably be a necessity when the company approaches 100 or more employees, but the telltale sign is when the business starts to specialize into functions such as IT, sales and operations,Coffey said. If you need a dedicated manager in those areas, you probably need the specialized knowledge of a human resources manager as well.When focus on revenue over HR tasks could boost the bottom lineAnother method to determinewhether you could benefit from a full-time HR specialist is to track your time spent on HR tasks and ask yourself, Would my time be better spent growing the business?Once HR tasks begin demanding an inordinate amount of a business owners attention, that could be a signal that its time to bring a dedicated HR manager on to the team. If an owners efforts to grow revenue could cover the cost of a new salary and then some, the choice is clear.Business owners should track the time theyre spending on employee-related issues,said Sharon DeLay, owner and president of GO-HR. They should then consider what the impact to revenue growth would be if they spent that timeinsteadin growing revenue. If the revenue growth activities would far outweigh or would soon outweigh the cost of HR resources, whether outsourced or hired, then its time to look at HR solutions.The risks of operating without a human resources specialistBusiness owners might feel they can go it alone, and perhaps they can, but failing to hire an HR manager comes withrisks that could develop into serious consequences, both organizationally and legally. Before making the decision not tohirean HR manager as your business scales, you should be aware of the potential problems to which you are exposing your business.A human resource manager helps to establish fairness and consistency throughout the organization, Coffey said.Employees come to know what to expect with policy development in hiring, wertmiger zuwachs management, reward allocation and leave policies. By not hiring HR managers, businesses may add to e mployee turnover, one of the highest HR-related costs. This happens when dissatisfied employees leave due to inconsistent, time-wasting, unfair policies.Beyond creating confusion or dissatisfaction amongst employees, there are steep consequences for mismanaging logistics when it comes to HR-related tasks. If a business owner is overwhelmed by the responsibilities of running the business and managing HR, they could soon find themselves ina record-keeping nightmare.When a business does not hire an HR manager, things will be missed,Brannon said. Important paperwork, completed photo releases that could lead to lawsuits, updating out-of-date paperwork, optimizing incorrect forms, and keeping employee tax information up to date are all essential points that could be missed by a business owner running their own HR department.Those documentation issues can quickly balloon into legal problems, potentially resulting in fines or lawsuits. While late paperwork might not seem to be a big threat at first, it can bea slippery slope that creates a lot of extra work at best and a legal disaster at worst.Human resourcesan essential part of businessThere is no escaping the need for human resources management. The question is maximizing efficiency and your return on investment. Many business owners try to handle everything on their own until it is no longer feasible, but when it comes to something as sensitive and critical as human resources, it is important to establish a planned transition away from the startup phase, inwhichowners and staff all wearmany hats, to a more specialized organization with dedicated department managers. Thinking about HR early on, and at what point it would be wise to letgo of certain responsibilities, will make it much easier to shift control to a dedicated HR manager down the line, before things get messy. Adam C. Uzialko Adam C. U zialko, a New Jersey native, graduated from Rutgers University in 2014 with a degree in Political Science and Journalism & Media Studies. In addition to his full-time punkt at Business News Daily and, Adam freelances for a variety of outlets. An indispensable ally of the feline race, Adam is owned by four lovely cats. 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Wednesday, March 11, 2020
Is 6 Hours of Sleep Really Enough Working Women Weigh In
Is 6 Hurs of Sleep Really Enough Working Women Weigh In How many hours of sleep do you need during the workweek? Six hours? Maybe seven? Its an age-old debate, but with mora women in the workforce than ever before, the conversation is worth revisiting.Research shows that sleep deprivation can actually cause parts of the brains synapses to be eaten by otherbei brain cells. Thats according to a somewhat new study by researchers at the Marche Polytechnic University in Italy. Lead researcherMichele Bellesi analyzed the brains of mice that had been separated into four groups.The first group was left to sleep for six to eight hours, the secondwas periodically woken up from sleep, the third was kept awake for an extra eight hours and the last group was kept awake for five days straight. Bellesi found that astrocytes abundant glial cells in the brain that clean out worn-out cells and debris so electric impulses can be transferred smoothly between neurons (get all that?) were mora active wh en the micehad been deprived of sleep. So, they brokedown mora of the brains connections than necessary.We show for the first time that portions of synapses are literally eaten by astrocytes because of sleep loss, Bellesi told New Scientist.Perhaps more disconcerting, however, is that microglial brain cells, which account for around 15 percent of all brain cells, were also more active for the mice thatdexperiencedchronic sleep deprivation. The problem? Science has already proventhat sustained microglial activation has been observed in Alzheimers and other neurological disorders.But serious neurological disorders aside, we also just need sleep to survive the work day and feel good.Why Is Adequate Sleep Important?The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has called lack of sleep a health problem for good reason. Diet, exercise, mental health and physical health all affect our ability to sleep, and in return, our ability to perform at our absolute best.That said, six hours s eems like enough. And science says so, too. Results from one study impress just how bad a cumulative lack of sleep can be on performance, reads one Fast Company article. Subjects in a lab-based sleep study who were allowed to get only six hours of sleep a night for two weeks straight functioned as poorly as those who were forced to stay awake for two days straight. The kicker is the people who slept six hours per night thought they were doing just fine.The article is referring to this sleep deprivation study, published in the journal Sleep, which took 48 adults and restricted their sleep to a maximum of four, six and eight hours a night for two weeks and one was deprived of sleep for three days straight.How Much Sleep Is Normal?I surveyed 42 women of all ages to understand how much sleep they get and how much sleep they need to perform well at work. The majority indicated they get seven hours of sleep on average each workweek night. That said, seven to eight hours seems to be the s weet spot. Although, some people need more sleep and some need less.These findings align with the sleep duration recommendations published by the National Sleep Foundation in 2015. After a thorough study, the Foundation recommends seven to nine hours of sleep for adults between the ages of 18 and 64, but suggests six to 11 hours may be appropriate depending on the individual. In addition to whats recommended, the Foundation does not recommend adults get less than six hours of sleep.Have you ever contemplated why we sleep? We need sleep to repair the damage being awake does to our mind and body. Thats according to Matthew Walker, who is a professor of neuroscience and psychology at the University of California, Berkeley and the author of Why We Sleep. In a mind-blowing video published by Business Insider, Walker says, Wakefulness essentially is low-level brain damage. He details why a lack of sleep increases our chances of developing diseases like dementia and cancer, and how the glo bal experiment of daylight savings time is linked to a 24 percent increase in heart attacks. Like I said, mind-blowing. An article published by Everyday Health describes the side effects of sleep deprivation specifically in women, including irritability, stress and negative emotions, like feeling hopeless.What Are Some Facts About Sleep I Should Know?I spoke with Gail Cirlin-Lazerus, a mother, and child and family therapist. Sleep deprivations impact on women is something she sees nearly everyday. She said, The demands on women, especially mothers and working mothers, are intense. Sleep deprivation in women is common and can be devastating on their mental health. Women have the expectation to do it all and do it well. There is a societal double standard as well as an overall lack of understanding and support.Patricia Lowenwirth, a teaching assistant, agreed. She said Regardless of how advanced we think we have become with equality, the fact remains that women do most of the child re aring. And if you have a couple working full time trying to raise children, the brunt of the traditional home work usually falls on the mom. I can only imagine what it must be like to stay on top of everything a child (or children) needs as well as manage a career. That is one of the reasons I stayed home. Without help, it is impossible to do both perfectly. Something will suffer.Emily DiGennaro, a veterinary receptionist, told me she needs eight hours of sleep each night, but only gets five hours. She shared I tend to overthink at night, which keeps me up. My 3-year-old has also been getting up a lot during the night in the past couple of months and keeps me awake. There are simply not enough hours in the day to work full time, take care of a home and family, and get the appropriate amount of sleep.Its important to recognize sleep deprivation is not solely common in working mothers. Work demands alone cause women to suffer from this problem. Marie Zoscak, an operations manager, att ributed a lack of sleep to work burnout For me, I think it was being burned out from my full-time job, but also my part-time job teaching classes at the gym. I was picking up a bunch of gym classes after work and some early morning, plus having to cook dinner and things when I get home, so it was hard to get a lot of sleep.Sofia Tokar, a web writer, talked about pulling all-nighters in college. She has since improved her time-management skills, which is helping her avoid sleep deprivation now that shes back in graduate school.Denise Sabo, a mother and human resources executive, noted long hours and a long commute prevent her from getting the eight hours of sleep she needs. She said, I travel a lot and support a global team, so I work across time zones. Typically, I have to problem solve at off hours.Although, the pressure we feel to perform does not always come from our employer. Carissa Seidenfrau, a sales account manager, shared We are always thinking about the next day or week ah ead and it keeps us from resting. I dont think my distributions-mix of employment puts this pressure on me. I think its a pressure I put on myself. Karen Richardson, a bookkeeper, summed up this feeling in three words an overactive mind.Melanie ODonnell, a product manager, thought Perhaps we overextend ourselves. And perhaps shes right. In an article on LinkedIn, Gabriella van Rij, Chief Executive Officer of Shifting Perceptions, Corp., wrote, Women especially feel that unless they are the perfect mother, wife, employee, or boss, they have failed. She continued, One of the main problems here is that women often feel the need to over promise and over deliver to make sure we are seen as valuable to the workplace. But that comes with a price Because we are not super human. There is only so much a person can do before you reach your limit.So Is 6 Hours Enough Sleep?Looking back on my conversations there seemed to be a common belief that theres not enough coffee in the world to fuel wome n to live up to the expectations they have at work and home. It turns out too much coffee is a contributing factor of poor sleep. Several women who I spoke to indicated caffeine prevents them from sleeping well. Tokar shared I generally dont drink more than my one morning cup of coffee because coffee in the afternoon can keep her up late.Whether 6 hours of sleep is enough or not, a solid sleep routine is critical. Yet, there is no one-size-fits-all formula. Jennifer McNamara, a veterinary technician, opts for reading or crossword puzzles before bed, while Zoscak watches an hour of TV. Helen Lowenwirth, a healthcare administrator, said If I am not in bed by 10 p.m. I know I am going to be in trouble. At 9 p.m., I prepare what I am going to wear in the morning, turn off my TV and phone, read, and then fall asleep. Also, several women indicated daily exercise aids their sleep, including Heather Vokes, who is a teacher.The age-old debate will continue, but as we evolve, so will our slee p. Cirlin-Lazerus shared My sleep needs drastically changed after having kids. I used to need much more, and through the years I have learned to live on much less sleep. My key is unwinding after the kids go to bed and I finish what I need to do (work-wise and household-wise). I have also practiced progressive relaxation for years, as falling asleep was not always easy for me, but now its become automatic for me as soon as I hit the pillow.Some advice to part with Try to maintain a consistent bedtime somehow, someway dont look at electronic screens at least 30 minutes before bed your phone, computer, television, iPad, anything at all decrease your alcohol intake (alcohol makes many people sleepy, but it can also decrease the quality and duration of sleep) and get enough exercise.Other advice, according to the National Sleep Foundation, is to lose excess weight you might be carrying around. Thats because sleep apnea and obesity have a very high correlation, and obese workers already suffer from more lost productive time than normal weight and overweight workers.If nothing works against insufficient sleep, you may want to consider sleep medicine to better regulate your sleep-wake cycle and treat your sleep disorder. It will help you fall asleep and combat poor sleep once you do. There are also sleep apps.As improbable as it may sound, there is a such thing as too much sleep, too. It can pose some health risks, and people who sleep too much (again, this varies depending on the person) may have a higher risk for mortality. Pay attention to your internal body clock. If youve slept enough (but not too much) you should feel alert through most of the day and ready for bed at a fairly consistent time every night.Are you sleeping enough? How many hours of sleep per night do you get? Set that alarm clockand good luck--Kristen Farrell is a professional communicator who previously worked in human resources. She shares career lessons and everyday experiences on her blog kr When shes not writing, youll find her running, crafting, or spending time with her husband, Jonathan and cat, Trotsky.
Friday, March 6, 2020
Details of Writing Resume in Riyadh
Details of Writing Resume in Riyadh Furthermore, I managed to get a score of GS-13 step-3 as a result of contents listed in the resume. For better results though you need to go to each website. Then youll get access to our online resume desktop whereby you are able to contact customer service to receive your 12-hour rush. The Advantages of Writing Resume in Riyadh Loaded with good information and ideas from career professionals, this e-book will allow you to produce and implement a winning 5-step job search program. This work search engine can help you locate the best opportunities in Saudi Arabia. Also, if you prefer to land a job faster be certain to confirm the list of the very best Pinterest boards for job seekers too Ability to construct technical and company relationships with senior small business stakeholders leadership teams within Microsoft businesses. All About Writing Resume in Riyadh That usually means youll want to have a different perspective on the full pr ocess than you could have ever taken before. In order to reduce the probability of rejection, its wise to have professionally written CV. They ask to learn more on paper, to be koranvers they select the best qualified candidates. This two-stage approach caused a map showing the improvement of danger prediction caused by the second stage. There are top job search sites that may help you. All the websites below help people find jobs depending on their existing abilities and qualifications. There are several kinds of electricians and sorts of jobs for electricians. As stated previously, there are various types of electricians and sorts of jobs for electricians. A Secret Weapon for Writing Resume in Riyadh Basically, the KSAs are interview questions which you will answer at the very departure of the work search approach. Unpaid work might be linked to your apprenticeship course which ought to be covered by the fact youve been certified. Additional info and assistance are of fered for registered candidates. Study vacancy announcements to locate your perfect job. The surface of your CV has become the most valuable real estate. With our custom made essay offer, you can be certain to get any kind of essay help you are searching for. Our pre-formatted CV templates are designed especially for the worldwide teaching marketplace. For a bright job seeker, a professional image is still another chance to get in front of the competition. It operates in 65 countries worldwide and you may expand your work search. Though, here it is possible to also get info about salary rates in Dubai. You are sure to go places So, here are the best 11 websites for finding work in Saudi Arabia. The Fight Against Writing Resume in Riyadh Not lots of money considering that some competitors charge $250 for the exact same hilfe. If so, then do not worry regarding anything as StudentsAssignmentHelp is here in order to help you with all your difficulty. Our on-line homework support providers offer you a chance of ordering customizes projects having a reflection of your own personal style. Thus letting you try our international on-line school prior to making your selection.
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