Saturday, December 28, 2019

7 stupid things youre doing to make yourself less likeable

7 stupid things youre doing to make yurself less likeable7 stupid things youre doing to make yourself less likeableAs an FBI agent, I needed to be likable as well as credible. As a likable part, I was able to exert a great deal of influence on others because I was able to connect with them in a meaningful way.Likable people do better in business as well. Clients listen to them, trust them, and are willing to give them the benefit of doubt.As a business owner or entrepreneur, your ability to be likable can be a big factor in your success. If you come across as likable, you will be better treated by investors, colleagues, and clients.Follow Ladders on FlipboardFollow Ladders magazines on Flipboard covering Happiness, Productivity, Job Satisfaction, Neuroscience, and moreBeing seen as likable often comes down to the smallest of behaviors. Unknowingly, you may be doing things that cause people to dislike you.If you arementally tough, you will be able to manage ansicht behaviors in ways t hat will set you up for success.Here are 7 stupid things you may be doing to make yourself less likable1. Pretend to smileWhen you pretend to smile, only the corners of your mouth will curl upward. This is called a smarmy social smile and is used by celebrities and politicans. A lot.Research byPaula Niedenthalsuggests that a true smile enlists not only the muscles around your mouth, but also those around the eye socket. Visually, a genuine smile will activate lines around the eye known as crows feet. In addition, our brain is wired to mimic the smile of others. If the smile is real, our brain will activate the same areas on our own face subconciously we recognize almost immediately whether the greeting was genuine or not.How To Make It Work For You Maintain eye contact with the other person and notice how they mirror your facial gestures they smile when you smile, they frown when you frown, they nod their head when you nod. Keep in mind how people will mirrow your behavior and make sure you are sending the right message.2. Push to the frontYou want to impress the other person, right? You let them know that youre smart, sophisticated, and ambitious. Everything about you shouts, Im first Im the winnerBut here is the bad news- everyone sees right through it.Likable people do not try to compete with the people they are meeting or brag about their accomplishments. Instead, they spend time complimenting others and truly being impressed by high achievers and those from whom they can learn. They are confident enough to be vulnerable and willing to admit they can still learn much from others.How To Make It Work For You If you are the smartest person in the room, youre in the wrong room. Move on, immediately, and surround yourself with people who really are smarter and brighter than you. Youll be challenged in good ways that will expand your understanding of yourself and the world around you.3. Poorly developed communication skillsExperts agree that communication, both interpersonal and organizational, is a necessity for the success of your business.Arecent Forbes articlepublished research by the Carnegie Institute of Technology. This study indicated only 15% of financial success actually comes from knowledge or technical skills. The remaining 85% of success comes from the ability to effectively communicate and negotiate- both when speaking and listening.In addition, Nobel Prize winner Daniel Kahneman has found that people would rather do business with a person they like and trust than someone they dont. While this isnt surprising, the real clincher was this- it applied even if the likable person was offering a lower-quality product or service at a higher price.How To Make It Work For You Pay close attention to what your listeners are saying so you can learn what is important to them and their situation. Most importantly, remember that everyone is different. One size does not fit all.4. Forget to be politeI chose my FBI mentors based on how succes sfully they handled 1) their investigations, and 2) their supervisors. One of the best agents I ever worked with taught me that sugar gets better results than vinegar, whether youre interviewing a terrorism suspect or explaining a late report to a supervisor.Tony always used these two words Please and Thank you. It didnt make any difference if you were a clerk behind the checkout register, the FBI Director, or a scumbag we were arresting for extortion. Tony always treated people with respect. He was unfailingly polite, no matter the situation.Likable leaders like Tony make people feel special, as though they are the only person in the room. They are able to communicate on a very personal, emotional level.How To Make It Work For You People may forget what you say to them, but they will never forget how you made them feel. Make the extra effort to make everyone feel valuable- even better, really believe that everyone truly is valuable.5. Too seriousIts is an inevitable truth the more serious the FBI investigation, the more humor was needed to break through the stress.Researchhas shown that humor is a great tension breaker in the workplace. When we laugh in response to something that is said, something happens in our brain. Not only is there a cognitive shift in how you view your stressors, there are emotional and physical responses that enable you to relax when you laugh.People who are passionate and dedicated to their work often come across as too serious and uninterested in anything that isnt related to their situation. They may or may not be seriously stressed, but they do end up missing out on valuable social moments. Its possible to be serious, and friendly as well.How To Make It Work For You Usually, the most likable people in a room are those who can elicit a smile or laughter from others. You do not have to be a jokester all you need to be is someone who can laugh easily and smile often.6. Listen moreTo be likable, you must be an active listener. This me ans responding with questions that confirm you are actually listening to what the other person is saying. Our time is one of our most valuable resources when you actively listen, you are giving something very important.How To Make It Work For You People tend to feel good when they are the center of attention. Make empathetic statements that capture the persons messageNotice an emotion that was conveyed in their conversation and then repeat it by asking a question- such as So you are happy that you . . .Rephrase a verbal message they communicated. This accomplishes two things first, it confirms to them that you correctly heard them, and second, it allows them to talk further about it.Match their body language. If they speak in quiet tones, so should you. If they are intense, ratchet-up your style as well.When you make a person feel good about themselves, they will like you. Its a simple rule to follow.7. Share too muchDeveloping a tribe mentality in our work environment is important because tribes help us get behind a shared objective. We can sense a bubble of excitement and community when were surrounded by people with similar values. We are eager to hear our leaders tell stories that renew that sense of purpose.While getting to know our tribes requires sharing, sharing too much about ourselves too early, or at inappropriate times, can sabotage our efforts. Instead of spewing out the nitty gritty details of your life at the first opportunity, learn about the other people in your tribe first.Oversharing can take many forms. Sometimes it sounds a lot like bullying if we run over others in our eagerness to push our recommendations out front other times it gives others the impression that were self-obsessed, in more need of a therapist or a sounding board.How To Make It Work For You Always be the first to give others a chance to talk. Give them the chance to be the most important person in the world. This requires a heart of humility and genuine belief in people.T his article originally appeared on LaRae Quy.You might also enjoyNew neuroscience reveals 4 rituals that will make you happyStrangers know your social class in the first seven words you say, study finds10 lessons from Benjamin Franklins daily schedule that will double your productivityThe worst mistakes you can make in an interview, according to 12 CEOs10 habits of mentally strong people

Monday, December 23, 2019

Taking Additive Manufacturing to the Micro Level

Taking Additive Manufacturing to the Micro Level Taking Additive Manufacturing to the Micro Level Its pretty late in the game to not be on the additive-manufacturing (AM) bandwagon. AM technologies have taken the manufacturing world by storm over the last decade. Although there are multiple methods, 3D printing is one of the most popular, especially in the field of bioengineering.Unlike traditional manufacturing methods, which carve a product out of a block of werkstoff or mold it out of a molten resin, additive manufacturing builds a solid, 3-D part, layer upon layer. A CAD model guides the distribution of a layer of powdered material, which is then fused together using a laser. Another layer is deposited on top of the first layer and fused, and the process is repeated until the exact, final part has been built. Although plastics can sometimes be used, most AD applications require metals for higher strength or hardness. However, as these parts continue to become smaller and more com plex, it is harder for standard AM technologies to keep up with the more challenging shapes and tight tolerances. Therefore manufacturers are eager to find additive manufacturing processes that can make high-precision parts at the millimeter scale, with tight tolerances.Microfabrica, a Van Nuys, California-based advanced manufacturing firm, has developed a proprietary, micro-scale AM process that does just that. Called MICA Freeform, it can mass-produce millimeter-scale metal parts with micron-size features. The process is also capable of combining different metals into micro-composite structures that outperform single metals or alloys. This technology is used to fabricate millions of parts each year, mostly for the aerospace, medical device, and semiconductor industries. It can also go beyond parts to fabricate functional, complex, mechanical devices at the same scale that have multiple moving parts, with no assembly required.An object formed using MICA Freeform (left) and one usin g Direct Laser Sintering. Image MicrofabricaHigh-Volume ProductionUnlike 3D printing methods, MICA Freeform can achieve high-volume production with extreme precision, using engineering-grade metals including nickel/cobalt, palladium, rhodium, and copper. This process can produce features as small as 20 microns with a tolerance of +/- 2 um.These increased capabilities create more konzeption options for engineers. For example, MICA Freeform can fabricate holes of any shape into a partthe circularity of round holes, blind holes, and counterbores can be maintained at sizes as small as 40 microns (0.0016) in diameter. The concentricity of inner and outer diameter features can be held to tolerances of 2 microns (0.00008). The minimum width of channels (open or hidden) is 30 micron (0.0012). Because it can also simultaneously fabricate all the moving parts of a mechanism in their assembled state, the technology eliminates micro-assembly costs and reduces yield loss. Common moving parts pro ducts that can be manufactured in one piece include hinges, journal bearings, and linear bearings.We have been surprised and impressed with the wide variety of complex devices and mechanisms that our customers have konzepted, says Richard Chen, vice president of design engineering for Microfabrica. Some of the mechanisms have 7 to 9 moving parts that are fabricated at the same time.Eliminating Secondary ProcessesOne of the biggest differences between MICA Freeform and other AD technologies, such as selective laser melting, is that the MICA Freeform process creates dense, precise parts that dont require any infiltration or other finishing processes. This results in a final product with better mechanical properties, at less cost.This high-volume production, sub-millimeter-scale, additive manufacturing process also unleashes much more creative design options for engineers. For example, they can start to design micro-scale products utilizing best-in-class metals that require no assembly manufacturing applications include microelectrical products, thermal management, and sensor packaging.For many high-tech industries, the drive to miniaturization is immutable, says Chen. As conventional manufacturing methods fail to keep pace, additive manufacturing is evolving as the disruptive solution. We are uniquely positioned at the forefront of these converging trends to support customers in the medical device, semiconductor, and aerospace industries.Mark Crawford is an independent writer. For Further DiscussionThe process can simultaneously fabricate all the moving parts of a mechanism in their assembled state, eliminating micro-assembly costs and reducing yield loss.Richard Chen, VP, design engineering, Microfabrica

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Paralyzed People as Waiters This Japanese Café Made It Happen

Paralyzed People as Waiters This Japanese Caf Made It HappenParalyzed People as Waiters This Japanese Caf Made It Happen This month, the Dawn Avatar caf was opened in Tokyo which used remotely controlled robots to serve customers.The best part? All of them were controlled by people with severe physical disabilities. The goal was to help them gain more independence in their lives.In total, there were 10 people working at the caf. They were mostly people suffering from amyothropic lateral sclerosis (ALS).Remember the Ice Bucket Challenge? Or Stephen Hawking? Its the same condition.The employees operated 4-foot robots called by Ory Labs called OriHime-D from their homes and were paid 1,000 yen ($9) per hour.Image by ArtFidoFor now, this was only a trial run.Unfortunately, the caf remained open only for two weeks. Because for now, this was only a test.Yet, the story probably wont end here.The organizations behind the project, including the Nippon Foundation and ANA Holdings Inc., aim to launch a permanent caf by the time the 2020 Tokyo Olympics and Paralympics roll around.Fine, fine, now tell me more about the robotsThe robots were controlled in a similar way that Stephen Hawking used to control his hi-tech wheelchair- by tracking eye movements.In this way, the employees were able to move robots, make them pick up objects and even talk to customers.At the same time, the Dawn Avatar caf, is only a part of a bigger trend in Japan, thanks to which robots are being increasingly used in the food industry.For instance, Sony recently showed off its vision of the home robot chef and has teamed up with Carnegie Mellon University to develop food robots. And Softbank recently hooked up with Toyota to form MONET, a venture that will build autonomous vehicles to do things like deliver robot-made meals.Image by ArtFidoRobots as a way out for the imprisoned mind.All right, all of that might not sound like much of a deal to you, if youre healthy.On the other hand, when youre entir ely paralysed, cant move a finger or say a word, it becomes huge.Because your mind is still racing as if nothing happened. Its just that with ALS, your body acts more like a prison, rather than a dependable part of your own being.Share Your Feedback or Ideas in the Comments

Saturday, December 14, 2019

How funny bosses encourage deviant rule breakers in the office

How funny bosses encourage deviant rule breakers in the officeHow funny bosses encourage deviant rule breakers in the officeFunny bosses encourage us to let our guard down, but a new study published in theAcademy of Management Journal found that their jokes can inadvertently encourage us to let our guard down too much, communicating that the workplace is an upside-down funhouse where rules no longer apply.The boss who moonlights at work as a comedian is a mixed blessing.On the one hand,funny bosses can make the everyday grind mora enjoyable by encouraging us to bring our whole personalities to the office. As the study leides, A leaders sense of humor will ensure employees feel safe to be their true self, which in turn enables them to fully invest their personal energy in their work roles.But on the other hand, when your boss is not taking work seriously, you start to not take it too seriously too. At worst, their jokes can set the precedent that norm violations are socially acceptabl e in work interactions.To test the effect of humor in the workplace, the researchers recruited 200 employees to report on the type of humor their bosses used and what kind of deviant behavior they were involved in at work. The studyultimately found that employees with funny bosses had a mora interpersonal rapport with their boss, which in turn, increased their work engagement. But humor, in general, was also likely to increase follower deviance.Aggressive humor can signal that respect and civility are not valuedUnder a funny boss, employees became more likely to make fun of someone at work, snipe rude comments, steal office supplies and show up to work late. But there was one kind of funny boss that was most likely to amplify the effects of deviant behavior - the aggressively funny boss. Their jokes land more like punches, sometimes at the expense of others. The sarcastic teasing has a mean undercurrent running through it.The study uses the example of an offhand comment like John, you seem so busy to sarcastically send a message that John is not putting up enough effort. But when this kind of humor becomes the norm, it signals that mutual respect and civility is not important, the study found.Ultimately, leadership sets the tone of how employees should conduct themselves at work. Its a lesson that bosses need to be mindful of what kind of jokes they use at work.Were not trying to say leaders should not engage in humor,Zhenyu Liao, one of the studys authors,said. They should be more mindful about their humor. Your role, your status - all of your actions - will send out very strong signals about what behaviors are acceptable.

Monday, December 9, 2019

Getting the Best Good Resume Skills

Getting the Best Good Resume Skills It is essential for you to be a creative harte nuss solver. Read through it a couple of occasions and youll probably spot three or four crucial skills mentioned repeatedly throughout the document. At times, projects are sidelined by easy, small issues which were permitted to snowball into catastrophic monstrosities. You must be in a position to sincerely apologize to a customer on behalf of your business, even as soon as the problem wasnt your fault. Multitasking skills In the health care work environment, there may be a whole lot of things on the desk at a particular time, which necessitates attention. Interpersonal skills Having the capacity to interact with people on a one on one fundament will help in getting the work done. Thus, stay at home mom, if and when you choose to go into the job force dont feel insecure you took a number of ages out. At the same time that you ought to be friendly with your clients, dont forget that you aren t there to share your life story. A Key Skills section, on the flip side, is listed on top of a resume. Therefore, if you come to an interview, the absence of Soft Skills may be one reason you werent chosen for the job. Look through the work description and see whether any soft skills are mentioned. Analytical skills are useful in a lot of ways. Please remember that you will require a companion cover letter to seal the offer. Your summary has to be concise, but nonetheless, it also needs to provide enough info to pique readers interest. Listed below are six of the most crucial, listed in the order of importance depending on the outcomes of the survey. Depending on the help of our expert sources, here are a couple of broad kinds of skills your resume could include, together with unique methods to express them. Your resume must immediately tell the employer that youre somebody who will choose the work seriously. Infographic resumes are impossible to comprehend, states MacI ntyre. Top Good Resume Skills Choices Your skills section stipulates a window into how much capability youll be able to bring to the corporation. Check to make certain youre providing all of the info required and clearly define your skill sets regarding application requirements. Analytical skills are the ability to assemble information, visualize and solve complex in addition to simple troubles with the information available. In addition to the practical demand for developers in virtually every company, programming skills demonstrate advanced problem solving skills that could lead to a well-rounded professional. Key Pieces of Good Resume Skills Strong leadership is all about a great deal more than simply telling everyone what to do. Superb people skills are a critical portion of what makes you such a standout employee whod be an asset to any company that offers you an opportunity to shine. If youve read the job advertisement, itll be simple for you to reveal your strength. You never begin an advertising campaign without knowing who you wish to achieve. If youre not certain which skills you wish to share, consider your prior experiences. Key skills are work-related skills that you will need to do a job. Listening skills are equally as crucial as communication abilities. Professional skills are extremely important additionally to include on your resume. If you are working to gather a more specific sort of resume, like a resume to help you receive an internship position, look at searching for tips on sites dedicated to certain forms of jobs or job levels. The info on your resume is a significant element in landing you your dream job, and thats why you should learn the best suggestions for writing a great resume. Whenever you are job searching, its imperative you share on your resume your skill set regarding the position youre applying for. For instance, if youve got a strong history with word processing and a work description demands experien ce with a particular processor you havent used, you may use your experience to demonstrate the employer that youve got zero issue working with new word processors. Up in Arms About Good Resume Skills? A persons skill set is comprised of an assortment of personal skills that theyve acquired through education and employment. The skills section of your resume shows employers youve got the abilities needed to be successful in the function. Perhaps your skill set is entirely different. If you would like to bildschirm your organization skills, acquiring a tightly structured resume certainly helps. The placement of your skills section is also a rather important point to take into account. Instead, you ought to showcase your soft skills by producing an achievement-oriented expert experience section. As you proceed through the list of skills above, make a distinct list with the skills which you already possess. Lets make certain you make the absolute the majority of the opportunity t hat your resumes skills section can offer. Good Resume Skills No Longer a Mystery Clear communication is important in customer service you have to be aware of what the customer wants and be in a position to articulate what you could do for the customer. Jobs are constantly changing and evolving, and you need to demonstrate an openness to raise and learn with that shift. Strong planning abilities and organization are traits which are highly desired in an employee, particularly in the plan world. Thus, the receptionist has to be in a position to prioritize tasks and have them done dependent on their degree of importance.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

The Argument About Data Analysis Resume

The Argument About Data Analysis Resume The Secret to Data Analysis Resume 14 Growth Opportunity due to Digitization With the development of technology, many businesses are understanding the significance of Big Data research and the majority of them have already adopted comprehensive digital operations to boost consumer satisfaction. There are a lot of essential players to contain in your Business Intelligence strategy and initiatives. The overview of your resume will be the very first thing hiring managers read, therefore its important that you clearly display what sort of impact youll be able to make as a SQL Data Analyst. Without a Data Analyst, a business wouldnt be in a position to comprehend whats successful and whats unsuccessful moving forward. It is essential that your data scientist resume convinces the hiring manager youve got technical abilities and software knowledge essential for the function. Staring at and analyzing numerical information all day isnt for every body, and hiring managers will be on the lookout for someone that could deal with the function. One is the work description itself. Not to worry, you can show youve got relevant knowledge in different ways. Where to Find Data Analysis Resume Almost anyone can create an excellent data scientist resume like that. When theres no simple way to satisfy your information into three sentences, use four. Dont forget to phrase your education section so that it reflects the work description. Write your cover letter to make certain it fits the work description. Hiring managers read career objectives all of the moment, and its simple for them to binnensee through unusually elaborate sentence structures and vocabulary. You can receive the information about just what the recruiter wants the candidates to need to access the data analyst job from the job description and requirements released by the recruiter. Such a crucial job requires a lot of special hard and soft skills. There are lo ts of candidates competing for the exact same position. Getting the Best Data Analysis Resume In order to choose what to emphasize, youve got two great sources of information. The thorough data will help your prospective employer to have a good comprehension of your worth. The work description of information entry operators varies dependent upon the organizational sector. As stated earlier, data entry jobs have a vast scope, and arent confined to any specific sector. The Tried and True Method for Data Analysis Resume in Step by Step Detail Therefore, the data analysts job is extremely crucial in the policy-making and decision-making amount of an organization or company. To learn more on what it requires to be a Data Analyst, have a look at our complete Data Analyst Job Description. A data analyst is an important position in any firm. The decent data analyst ought to know regarding their objectives.